In this insightful interview with Jānis Grēviņš from the Higher Education and Science Information Technology Shared Service Centre (VPC), we explore the activities carried out by the Latvian Mandated Organisation to EOSC-A in support of a viable EOSC ecosystem in the country.
Jānis Grēviņš is the Director of VPC and a member of the Governing Board of the European Institute of Technology and Innovation (
Conducted by Natalia Galica (NCN Poland) and Isabel Caetano (EOSC-A), this interview is part of the series coordinated by the EOSC Focus project, in which we highlight the role of EOSC Association Mandated Organisations, and showcase their activities aimed at the implementation of EOSC.
What is the role of VPC?
The Higher Education and Science Information Technology Shared Service Centre, known as VPC, is an EOSC-A Mandated Organisation representing Latvia. Our primary role is to act as a bridge for information exchange and technical collaboration between Latvia’s researchers and the broader European research community.
At VPC, our mission is to advance research in Latvia by providing shared IT services that enable seamless collaboration and innovation. A key component of fulfilling this mission is our active participation in EOSC-A.
One of VPC’s strategic goals is to promote data sharing, which directly aligns with EOSC-A vision of enabling seamless access to data. This includes offering interoperable services that support the entire research data lifecycle—from discovery and storage to management, analysis, and reuse—across borders and scientific disciplines.
Through these efforts, VPC plays a vital role in advancing Open Science and driving forward Latvia’s research capabilities on a global scale.
How does your organisation contribute to the creation of the EOSC ecosystem?
The EOSC initiative serves as the cornerstone of Latvia’s research data management and networking initiatives within academia. Recognising the importance of this framework, the Latvian government structures its development and funding activities around the possibility to establish a future national EOSC Node.
The VPC coordinates consultations with universities and the research community regarding the implementation of a national EOSC Node. To support these efforts, VPC facilitates two permanent workgroups—focused on infrastructure and research services—that drive the development of actionable plans. These outputs are subsequently integrated into national policy documents and translated into operational strategies.
Moreover, EOSC-related topics occupy a permanent place on the agenda of VPC Info Days, which is a bi-annual event designed to keep Latvia’s academic community informed about the latest developments. The Info Days also provide a platform for valuable feedback, foster collaboration and ensure that the needs of the research community are addressed effectively.
How would you describe national policies and investments in Open Science?
Latvia’s national policy for research infrastructure development is built around the concept of a national EOSC Node. The implementation of the policy is funded through a combination of sources. The national budget covers participation in EOSC-A, the operation of VPC, and general operational expenses. Furthermore, a blend of EU assistance funds and national budget allocations supports infrastructure upgrades and the development of new services at both national and institutional levels.
Private sponsorship also plays a role, funding specialised infrastructure development projects, such as those in the field of child healthcare. This integrated approach to investment ensures Latvia remains aligned with the European goal of Open Science while fostering innovation and sustainability.
Who are the key stakeholders implementing the EOSC strategy in Latvia?
The implementation of the Latvian Open Science Strategy 2021-2027 started about two years ago. We learn from the experiences of other countries as we shape our own implementation processes. On the flip side, there is a considerable amount of work to explain the benefits of EOSC to research communities in Latvia.
The implementation process involves a collaborative network of key stakeholders, including the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia – a member of the Tripartite Governance, VPC, and research universities along with their IT and data-related research units, including Riga Technical University (High Performance Computing Centre) and the University of Latvia (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science). These universities are among the founders of VPC and are major supporters of its initiatives.
Leading research institutes in the country, including the Institute of Electronics and Computer Sciences, Institute of Solid State Physics, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS), Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre (BMC), and the Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment (BIOR), are consulted to gather feedback on their needs and address the requirements of a broader research community.
What can you tell us about the key challenges for EOSC development in Latvia?
Historically, the national research infrastructure and services have been provided by a number of institutions and their activities have been only vaguely coordinated. Consequently, Latvia is currently building its national research infrastructure and service capacities. This presents a challenge since the staff is new. However, it allows for a free flow of ideas and a lot of enthusiasm.
About Jānis Grēviņš

Jānis Grēviņš is the Director of Higher Education and Science Information Technology Shared Service Centre (VPC) in Latvia. He was the Director of the Riga Business School at the Riga Technical University from April 2003 to June 2023. Currently, he also serves as a Member of the Governing Board of the European Institute of Technology and Innovation ( His academic interests include technology development and adoption, operations and project management. The strong academic training, combined with broad international management experience, has allowed Grēviņš to lead the development of international initiatives and implement national strategy projects linked to technology adoption. As the Director of VPC, he is advancing technology adoption in Latvia’s higher education and research ecosystem.
About Higher Education and Science Information Technology Shared Service Centre (VPC)
The VPC is an association founded by Latvia’s research universities – Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Riga Stradins University, Riga Technical University, and University of Latvia – with the mission of advancing Latvia’s higher education and research through providing shared IT services. The VPC provides academic infrastructure services (including EUGAIN and eduroam), and shared systems for education and research. The Government of Latvia has appointed VPC to represent Latvia in the EOSC Association and is providing funding for the development of national EOSC-related initiatives.