


Mandated Organisation

Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine

EOSC Steering Board representatives

The Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science is responsible for furthering the implementation of Open Science within Ukraine. Already in 2007 a law was passed  requiring Open Access publishing of research created through public funding. This was further emphasised through the 2008 “Belgorod Declaration on Open Access to scientific knowledge and cultural heritage” and a statement in 2009 in support of Open Access.

Ukraine’s participation in the European research and innovation space and the implementation of the infrastructure of the Open Science Cloud are regulated by the documents that have been approved in recent years:

  • “Concept of the development of the digital economy and society for 2018-2020” ( Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2018)
  • “Roadmap for the integration of Ukraine into the European Research Area (ERA-UA)”(Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2018)
  • “Roadmap for the integration of the scientific and innovative system of Ukraine into the European research space” (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2021)
  • “Concept of the State Target Program for the development of research infrastructures in Ukraine for the period until 2026” (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2021)

In 2019, the web portal of the National Repository of Academic Texts, which is a publicly accessible repository of dissertations, scientific articles, and other scientific materials (academic texts), started operating. The implementation of the National Repository of Academic Texts, the creation of which was carried out as part of the implementation of the action plan for the implementation of the “Open Government Partnership” Initiative for 2018-2020, is intended to embody in Ukraine the fundamental and recognised in academic circles principle of Open Science.

In October 2021 an agreement was signed between Ukraine and the EU on the participation of Ukraine within Horizon Europe. On October 17, 2023, the Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine started operating based on the National Research Fund of Ukraine. In 2021 the Ministerial working group also proposed amendments to the Law on Ukraine “On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity” which include new and more updated definitions of Open Science, Open Access, and amongst others research infrastructure. On September 15, 2023, the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine” “On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity” on Research Infrastructure and Support for Young Scientists” was approved by the Government and submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for consideration.

It released a draft of the National Plan for Open Science Development in November 2021 and launched a public discussion. NATIONAL OPEN SCIENCE PLAN has been approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on October 8, 2022.

Ukraine established the Open Science Scientific Conference Portal in 2022 as an online platform to share research and ideas as well as to promote accessibility, transparency, and development of scientific knowledge. Its main goal is to ensure transparency in conducting scientific conferences, such as publishing information about the program, organisers and funding. The first international conference “Open Science and Innovation in Ukraine” was held in 2022 and the second in 2023. The goal of the portal through which these conferences are made is the creation of a joint centre that brings together researchers, scientists, and academic institutions from different countries for information exchange and cooperation. Those conferences aim at providing an opportunity to improve the quality of research through the exchange of expertise, feedback, and discussion of results; providing access to conference materials and reports, which contributes to the dissemination of scientific information and increasing its availability to a wide audience and to attract participants from different countries and promoting international collaborations in scientific research.

Ukraine is thereby actively involved and working on an Open Science policy despite external circumstances. In 2023, measures will be taken to develop the National Electronic Scientific Information System (URIS), the provisions of which were approved by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on September 27, 2022. There are plans to prepare and publish recommendations on the use of open content licenses (Creative Commons), conduct an independent audit of the research of the research infrastructure with advice on the effective operation of the research infrastructure, and develop professional FAIR data profiles.

This is to be further developed through the development of FAIR data professional profiles in 2024 (to be rolled out through in 2026) and for 10 competence centres to be set up by 2030.

Infrastructure developments:

  • High-speed Network of Data Exchange, (provider URAN end UarNet) which has access to the GEANT
  • The National Ukrainian grid and cloud infrastructure, which mostly includes clusters of NAS of – Ukraine and integrated into European EGI infrastructure
  • The access portal to be cloud infrastructure of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which was developed according to EOSC requirements
  • Active participation in international research infrastructures


NATIONAL OPEN SCIENCE PLAN has been approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on October 8, 2022. Main Objectives:

  1. Ensuring Open Access to research results and scientific and technical information
  2. Ensuring Open Access to research infrastructure
  3. Creating the conditions for effective with scientific and technical information and research infrastructures in open access
  4. Popularisation of science, disseminating scientific knowledge, and encouraging citizens to participate in scientific and technical activity
  5. Improving research assessment and scientific and technical activities quality evaluation
  6. Awareness raising and capacity building on Open Science skills and competencies

There are 16 activities indicated to be conducted by 2030 by several stakeholders including the Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Digital Transformation, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, National Academy of Sciences (upon agreements) with the leading role of the Ministry of Education and Science and the National Academy of Sciences.

The implementation of the National Open Science Plan will create regulatory and legal prerequisites for the formation of the policy of Open Science. Provide interested parties with open access to devices, tools, and other means of obtaining research results.


The section “Ensuring transparency and availability of information regarding scientific research” details measures to implement the action plan for the implementation of the “Open Government Partnership” Initiative in 2023-2025, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on November 17, 2023.

Main goals:

  • ensuring accessibility and facilitating the search for information about scientific research and development carried out with the involvement of funds from the state and local budgets;
  • introduction of open review of scientific research that does not contain information with limited access and was carried out with the involvement of funds from the state and local budgets;
  •  initiation and the start of implementation of a pilot project on the management and preservation of scientific data accumulated during the implementation of scientific research and development in certain fields of knowledge, carried out with the involvement of funds from the state and local budgets;
  •  increasing requirements for the implementation of the results of dissertation studies, as well as scientific research and development carried out with the involvement of state and local budget funds, ensuring wide access to information about the use, value of such research and development,  and their social impact.

Action plan (in Ukrainian):

The Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine approved the resolution dated 02 November 2022 No. 327 “On the participation of the NAS of Ukraine in the implementation of the European principles of open science”. It specifies the tasks for the implementation of the National Plan for Open Science and forms a Working Group on Open Science (WGOS). The WGOS initiated a Target scientific and technical project of the NAS of Ukraine “Development and implementation of open science infrastructure in the NAS of Ukraine (OPENS)” for 2023-2024.

The Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine approved the resolution dated 29 November 2023 No. 400 «CONCEPT of implementation of European principles of open science at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for 2024–2030».  The concept defines the policy of the NAS of Ukraine for the implementation of open science: the goal, principles, priority tasks, and main areas of activity of the NAS of Ukraine.

The open science implementation in the NAS of Ukraine aims better presentation of the research results obtained by scholars of the NAS of Ukraine in the international environment of open research using modern technical and informational means.

Ukrainian National Open Science Plan

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EOSC in Practice

Embracing the principles of transparency, reproducibility, and accessibility, these examples highlight the innovative approaches adopted by researchers across various disciplines. From open data sharing and collaborative platforms to pre-registration and open peer review, these practices enhance scientific integrity and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.