Following the adoption of the EOSC-A Internal Regulations at the EOSC-A 7th General Assembly on 21 November 2023, we would like to provide you with some more information concerning ARTICLE 2.2: RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERS AND OBSERVERS.
Please note that each Member organisation, in addition to being required to appoint one Main Delegate, now has the option to appoint one Deputy Delegate as well. Each Observer organization, in addition to being able to appoint one Main Representative now has the option to also appoint a Deputy Representative.
Please take a moment to update your organisaton’s membership information and to identify your delegate or representative and deputy. This will ensure that your organisation and its delegates and representatives will receive all necessary communications relevant to your EOSC-A membership.
Detailed description of the roles of Delegate, Representative and deputies taken from the EOSC-A Internal Regulations:
For Members
Each Member shall nominate one Delegate. A nomination shall be expressed in writing by the legal representative of the Member, which is addressed to the Secretary General. The Delegate is entitled to attend the meetings of the General Assembly, to express opinions, put forward suggestions and to cast the vote.
Deputy Delegate
Each Member can nominate one Deputy Delegate. A nomination shall be expressed in writing by the legal representative of the Member, which is addressed to the Secretary General. The Deputy Delegate can attend the meetings of the General Assembly in case the Delegate is unable to attend. In this case, the Deputy Delegate shall execute the rights and obligations of the Member. Either the Deputy Delegate or the Delegate can attend the GA when it is in-person. However, in online GA meetings, both the Delegate and the Deputy Delegate can attend but then, only the Delegate has voting rights. In this case, the Delegate shall inform the Secretary General of the Association, in writing, before the registration deadline.
For Observers
Each Observer can nominate one Representative. A nomination shall be expressed by a nomination letter of the legal representative of the Observer, which is addressed to the Secretary General. A Representative is entitled to attend the meetings of the General Assembly, to express opinions and put forward suggestions.
Deputy Representative
Each Observer can nominate one Deputy Representative. A nomination shall be expressed by a nomination letter of the legal representative of the Observer, which is addressed to the Board of the Association. The Deputy Representative can attend the online meetings of the General Assembly together with the Representative. However, only the Representative, or the Deputy Representative, can attend the in-person General Assembly meetings.