European Commission

Mandated Organisation

EOSC Steering Board representatives
The National Government has been working on designing and implementing its open science policy. With respect to Open Data and research data preservation, the Spanish Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation EECTI 2021-2027 drives the development of repositories, open access to the research publications and fosters the Spanish contribution to the European Open Science Cloud.
The EECTI is structured into two state plans: the State Plan of Scientific and Technical Research 2021-2023 followed PEICTI 2024-2027. The plans include the state aid for R&D&I implemented by the State Administration. Additionally, the Spanish Roadmap for the European Research Area Development Strategy 2020-2024 in its objective 2.1 states the need of accelerating the deployment of the European open science cloud to boost the innovation on AI and supports the contribution of national research infrastructures to EOSC. At national level, the first National Strategy for Open Science (ENCA) 2023-2027 was approved, including strategies to 1) guarantee digital infrastructures for open science integrated in the EOSC, 2) manage research data following the FAIR principles 3) implement free and open access to scientific publications, and 4) establish new research evaluation mechanisms such as incentives, recognition and training.
Spain does not have a national EOSC initiative yet. The Spanish Network for e-Science (REeC), funded by the ministerial act CIN/658/2020, of July the 13th, 2020 is in progress to set up the interaction among the stakeholders. The coordinator of the REeC (Ignacio Blanquer) is also a member of the board of directors of the EOSC-A.
The major stakeholders involved in its construction are represented, on one hand by Research Performing Organizations (RPO) with the main participation of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), along with a large number of universities, the Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology and several centres participating in ESFRIs (such as Instruct, ELIXIR, EMSO, SKA and LIFEWATCH-ERIC). On the other hand, Service Providers, such as the Spanish NREN, the centres of the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) and the IBERGRID federation contribute with network, computing and storage resources.
The engagement of Spanish institutions in EOSC is high, including 12 Members and 16 Observers of the EOSC-A. The REeC includes the Mandated Organisation, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) representing Research Performing Organisations as well as several Members that are part of the RES as Service Providers.
National Events
National Tripartite Event: Spain
The tripartite EOSC Spain event aims to bring together the three actors in EOSC governance (EC, EOSC-SB and EOSC-A). This event is open to the entire community and aims to align and guide activities within this...
The Spanish Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation (EECTI) 2013-2020 defines the policy for Open Access to research data subsidized with public resources. The published scientific journals funded by the State Plan of Scientific and Technical Research (PEICTI) 2017-2020 will be deposited in repositories.
Along with the strategies and policies for Open Science defied in the Spanish Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation EECTI 2021-2027, the State Plan of Scientific and Technical Research (PEICTI) 2021-2023 and the National Strategy for Open Science (ENCA) 2023-2027, the Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology (FECYT) has a working group to monitor to what extent Spanish repositories comply with Science Law open access clause, in compliance with the provisions of Article 37 of Law 14/2011, June 1, on Science, Technology and Innovation and the recommendations linked to the European agenda on open access and open science.

National Open Science Strategy 2023-2027
The Spanish government has approved its four-year National Open Science Strategy 2023-2027 (in Spanish). To prepare the strategy document, an assessment of the current strengths and weaknesses of the country’s Open Science profile was made, including possible opportunities and threats implicit in the strategy. Download nowEOSC in Practice
Embracing the principles of transparency, reproducibility, and accessibility, these examples highlight the innovative approaches adopted by researchers across various disciplines. From open data sharing and collaborative platforms to pre-registration and open peer review, these practices enhance scientific integrity and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
Isabel Diaz
An interview with CSIC’s Deputy Vice President at the EOSC Association’s 6th General Assembly. -
Joan Maso Pan
Researcher at CREAF, EOSC-A Member from Spain at the EOSC Symposium on 20-22 September 2023 in Madrid.
NTE Spain
CSIC, Madrid, 19 September 2023
News from Spain
Members and Observers from Spain
EU Projects
Please find here the EOSC-related projects where members from this country are involved as partners.