European Commission

Mandated Organisation

EOSC Steering Board representatives
In late 2019 the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia initiated the Open Science Latvia landscape research with one of the main aims to create a roadmap of the Open Science policy. Several actions and initiatives to implement principles of Open Access/Open Science policies are taking place in Latvia.
On September 1, 2019, the EOSC Nordic Project was launched to promote the implementation of the EOSC in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Latvia is represented in the project by Riga Technical University. The Latvian National Open Science Strategy 2021-2027 states that Open Science development is formed around three pillars: Open Access, FAIR Data and Citizen Science. It is devoted to the development of EOSC related activities, competencies and infrastructure. Latvia participates in EOSC projects and development, such as through EOSC Nordic.
The Open Science Strategy includes undertaking several significant initiatives:
- Creating a Joint ICT Services Center for Higher Education and Research, to improve the governance and quality of joint ICT services
- Developing a “Dataverse LV”research data repository network, with a central node where all researchers can freely publish their research data
- Implementing a Data Stewards program (approx. 20 data stewards based in research institutions in Latvia)
- Requiring Data Management Plans (DMPs) for all projects funded by state-funded research programs
- Creating an Open Science monitoring system
- Encouraging greater participation of Latvian research institutions in the EOSC
Latvia participates in EOSC projects and development. such as through EOSC Nordic
Higher Education and Science Joint Digital Services Center (VPC)
The founders of VPC are four major universities of Latvia – University of Latvia, Riga Technical University, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, and Riga Stradins University. It is open for other higher education and science institutions. Currently, VPC represents 58% of Latvia’s students and 64% of researchers and scientists
The VPC has the following three priorities:
- Develop and jointly procure high quality digital services for research institutions
- Coordinate national stakeholders to address current and future needs
- Coordinate EOSC activities at national level
Contact the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia:
Moreover, VPC supports the development and international competitiveness of higher education and scientific institutions of Latvia by integrating, developing and providing high-quality shared information technology services. Under the mandate of the Government of Latvia VPC is the liaison for global academic ICT services in Latvia.
The services provided by VPC are divided into three groups:
- Basket of basic services: provided free of charge to all industry stakeholders based on state delegations. Due to date, basket of basic includes eduroam, eduGAIN, GEANT.
- Services provided to members only – services that are provided only based on the VPC membership
- Services provided to a group of members – additional services provided to a specific group of members according to their requests. Only the group of members for whom the specific service is relevant covers costs. At the moment services provided to a specific group of members are HPC and Genomics data network.
Additionally, there are Latvian Academic Network and NZDIS that are available free of charge for the higher education and scientific institutions of Latvia and are currently provided by the Ministry of Education and Science. (accessed at:
In that capacity of the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia it is to allocate public funding and oversee VPC operations.
National Events
Tripartite Event | Nordic & Baltic Countries
The tripartite national actors in the Nordic and Baltic countries organise their first EOSC tripartite event in Tallinn on Tuesday, 4 October 2022, with the support of the EOSC-Nordic project. Representatives from the European Commission, EOSC Association, Nordic and Baltic...
In Latvia, the Ministry of Education and Science (IZM) is responsible for the national policy-making. The Latvian National Open Science Strategy 2021-2027 aims to:
- Mandate “green” or “gold” open access for all publicly funded research
- Develop Open Access further
- Create a Dataverse science data repository network with the FAIR principles as a key focal point and implement incentives for researchers based on developed evaluation criteria
- Create a community of data stewards and implement an appropriate training programme for data stewards
- Create the Higher Education and Science Information Technology Shared Service Centre to manage processes and represent Latvia in the EOSC Association
The Open Science Strategy is structured around three pillars:
- Open Access to Scientific Publications: Addressing Open Access publishing practices and the national OS policy. All scientific publications for new state-funded research projects must be openly accessible in “green” or “gold”open access, without an embargo period.
- FAIR research data: Ensuring that research data be open by default, and that data, metadata and e-infrastructures intended for long-term preservation and reuse meet the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles.
- Citizen Science: Encouraging co-creation in the context of citizen science activities. Supporting initiatives by, e.g. providing access to scientific e-infrastructures and integrating citizen science in Latvian science communication activities. Latvian stakeholders will be encouraged to participate in international initiatives and networks related to citizen science. (CoNOSC Website: accessed on 5 December 2023 )

Open Science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries
The final report provides an update on the fragmented status of OS policies, the different choices for provisioning infrastructure resources and services in the participating countries, and the progress to establish an EOSC perspective within their national policies. Download nowPeople
NTE Nordic & Baltic
4 October 2022, Tallinn
News from Latvia
Members and Observers from Latvia
EU Projects
Please find here the EOSC-related projects where members from this country are involved as partners.