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DataCite Open Hours: EOSC PID Graph

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Join the next DataCite’s Open Hours on 5 July 2023, the event will be dedicated to the EOSC PID Graph Component (FAIRCORE4EOSC work).

This edition will provide a comprehensive overview of our latest project focused on supporting service workflows for generating data dumps related to community profiles. Our PID Graph Component encompasses several subcomponents, including PID Graph Nodes Metadata Harvesting, PID Graph Links Metadata Harvesting, PID Graph Nodes Metadata Dumps, Usage Activity Tracking Widget, Usage Activity Processing, Link Capturing Agents, and PID Querying Services. These functionalities are aimed at streamlining the harvesting of the PID Graph metadata, and facilitating the ingestion and reuse of this metadata by the EOSC community and other related services.

Program and registration