European Commission

Mandated Organisation

EOSC Steering Board representatives
Hungary is on its way to develop a full Open Science strategy. On the policy level, there have been important improvements including the “Position Paper on Open Science” initiated by the NRDI Office. The Paper is the result from meetings with stakeholders in the Open Science Forum. The country counts with a network of repositories, high speed telecommunication networks and AAI infrastructure capable of enabling to advance in this field. Also, information on Open Science is readily available at NRDI’s webpage.
Through the participation of the national structure KIFÜ in NI4OS EOSC-Future and furthermore in the EOSC Association, Hungary is becoming more engaged in the European Open Science developments, which will contribute to its implementation in the country.
National Structure: Open Science Forum
The Open Science Forum, created in May 2021, was established as Hungary’s national structure. The Forum intends to complement the ongoing “top level” efforts to develop an Open Science Strategy in Hungary. Its main objective is to enable the research community access through EOSC to resources that otherwise would not be available. This would also benefit service providers, who would be able to offer services to a wider user community. For this, the national initiative is preparing all national stakeholders for their participation in the EOSC ecosystem by increasing awareness about EOSC and by involving local stakeholders in EOSC-related activities. The Hungarian OpenAIRE NOAD, operated at University of Debrecen, is also actively contributing in Open Science Forum to develop the Open Science culture in Hungary. Contact email:
Mandated Organisation: KIFÜ
KIFÜ (contact email: provides modern, stable and secure ICT services for the Hungarian public education, vocational education and training and higher education institutions, research and development institutes and public collections, and governmental and state owned organizations to support research, digital education and digitization. These services developed and maintained by KIFÜ can be employed by some 2.5 million users from more than 6.400 institutions. KIFÜ manages the high speed telecommunication infrastructure, HBONE+ , as well as the Hungarian supercomputing capacity and competence center. KIFÜ is a member of GÉANT, e-IRG and PRACE, and has participated in the EOSC Future project.
National Events
European Tripartite Event #6
The 6th European Tripartite Event will take place on Wednesday, 07 November 2024 09:00-13:00 CET in Budapest, Hungary. Hosted by Hungary’s National Research, Development and Innovation Office and EOSC-A Mandated Organisation, KIFÜ, the 6th Meeting of...
Hungary’s national policy on Open Science is still under development. The process to achieve this has however been started under the leadership of KIFÜ and the University of Debrecen, first through a series of online events to introduce and discuss Open Science with other stakeholders in the country, and then through three rounds of the Hungarian Open Science Forum held in 2021. As a result of this, a National Position Paper on Open Science was published in October 2021. Besides the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office) as initiator, the paper is supported by other relevant organisations in Hungary’s research landscape (e.g. Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates, Association of University Libraries’ Directors, Eötvös Loránd Research Network, Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Governmental Agency for IT Development (KIFÜ), Hungarian Accreditation Committee, Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Doctoral Council, National Scientific Student’s Council). Interested organisations are still invited to join the call (
NRDI Office started in 2021 the Science Patronage Programme, which provides funding to promote Open Science to encourage the involvement of the Hungarian research community in international scientific platforms and events and to foster the progress of Open Science in Hungary. The programme has a budget of 1 billion Hungarian Florints (2.6million Euros) from the NRDI Fund, including a dedicated budget for Open Access publication.
Janos Mohacsi
Chief International R&D Officer at KIFU, EOSC-A Mandated Organisation for Hungary at the EOSC Symposium on 20-22 September 2023 in Madrid.
NTE Hungary 2024
Hungary’s second National Tripartite Event, 07 November 2024, Budapest
News from Hungary
EU Projects
Please find here the EOSC-related projects where members from this country are involved as partners.