European Commission

Mandated Organisation

EOSC Steering Board representatives
The implementation of Open Science practices is advancing in Croatia. The Open Access movement started in Croatia in 1997 with the Croatian scientific bibliography CROSBI. The systematic approach to open science in Croatia can be traced back to 2012 and the adoption of Croatian Declaration on Open Access to Scientific Information, followed by the Rector’s Conference document on open science in 2015.
The Strategy of education, science, and technology of 2014 considered open educational materials and open access to scientific information as the strategic orientation for science and education in Croatia in the future.
Croatian institutions have participated in several INFRAEOSC projects like OpenAIRE Advance, OPERAS and NI4OS projects.
The Croatian Ministry of Science and Education, as head of the national policy for scientific information, has supported Open Science by positioning itself behind the Croatian Open Science Cloud Initiative (HR-OOZ) in 2021, together with the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ). This major advance completes the support from other stakeholders in the research community shown since the signature in 2012 of the Croatian Open Access Declaration, which states that all results from public funded research should be made accessible through Open Access.
Besides the Ministry and the HRZZ, members of HR-OOZ include all nine Croatian public universities and other research funding and performing organizations and research service providers are members. One of its first activities will be the establishment of a national open science plan, planned for 2023.
Research data sharing in Croatia is in its initial phase, but the Croatian Science Foundation has recently started requiring research data management plans as a mandatory part of application documentation for future projects.
The University Computing Centre (SRCE) and the Ruđer Bošković Institute took part in the NI4OS-Europe project that facilitated the collaboration of national Open Science stakeholders and the onboarding of national Open Science infrastructures into the EOSC. SRCE participated in the EOSC-Future and EGI-ACE projects.
SRCE operates as national node of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) since 2019, while representatives from Ruđer Bošković Insitute and University of Zadar serve as a OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk (NOAD).
Mandated Organisation:
SRCE is the main computing centre in Croatia and the architect of the e-infrastructure, covering both the University of Zagreb and the whole research and high education system. Furthermore, SRCE is the competence centre for information and communication technologies, as well as the centre for education and support in the area of ICT application. Contact e-mail:
Ruđer Bošković Institute joined the EOSC-A in 2022 as ”observer”.
National Structure:
In 2021 the Croatian Open Science Cloud (locally HR-OOZ) Initiative was established. HR-OOZ Initiative ( has managed to bring together key stakeholders in creating the required preconditions for the implementation, realization, and promotion of Open Science in the Republic of Croatia. The Initiative is the result of the joint work of numerous stakeholders in the science and higher education system in Croatia. HR-OOZ was launched with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian Science Foundation, gathering all public universities and Croatian representatives of ERIC’s (DARIAH-HR, HR-CLARIN, CERIC-ERIC, CROSSDA the public research data service and the national service provider for the CESSDA ERIC), OpenAIRE NOAD, NGI and national RDA node.
The HR-OOZ will realise this by building a modern, high-quality, internationally relevant, and competitive science environment based on the principles of Open Science aligned and connected with the European Research Area (ERA) and other relevant European initiatives like EOSC. The HR-OOZ will play an active role in promoting and on-boarding Croatian services and resources in EOSC to become findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable at the European level. The initiative is supported administratively by the SRCE. Contact e-mail:
National Events
National Tripartite Event: Croatia
On 27 March 2025, the third edition of the EOSC National Tripartite Event: Croatia (NTE Croatia 2025) will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, as part of the yearly conference Srce DEI 2025. Organised by the University...
The HR-OOZ has drafted during 2023 a proposal for the National Action Plan for Open Science. The document was presented at the National Tripartite Event (30 March 2023), but is still pending approval by the Ministry.
The HR-OOZ is also responsible for establishing its service catalogue and the on-boarding process to provide researchers with reliable services for open science available nationally, and to help service providers to on-board EOSC. Also, Data Management Plans (DMP) are since 2023 mandatory and are evaluated as part of the application for projects funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. DMPS must show how research data is created, stored, shared and protected during the project’s life cycle. DMPs will make research data, collected through public funding available for future use and encourage researchers to effectively manage and share their data.
EOSC in Practice
Embracing the principles of transparency, reproducibility, and accessibility, these examples highlight the innovative approaches adopted by researchers across various disciplines. From open data sharing and collaborative platforms to pre-registration and open peer review, these practices enhance scientific integrity and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
Ivan Marić – SRCE
NTE Croatia 2024
19 April 2024, Zagreb -
NTE Croatia 2023
30 March 2023, Zagreb, Croatia
News from Croatia
Members and Observers from Croatia
EU Projects
Please find here the EOSC-related projects where members from this country are involved as partners.