The sub-programme for PIDs introduces us to the vast landscape of PID systems and activities.

The session will make the fast developing landscape of PIDs transparent and introduce practices and services that will focus on improving quality and mutual learning. This will be introduced in an interactive format, focussing on providing practical tools, technical insights and the future development of PIDs.


Through sessions containing presentations, demonstrators and interactive workshops, the programme on PIDs covers a broad scale of topics and challenges in the PID landscape, quality assurance and PID policy compliance, led by projects FAIRCORE4EOSC, FAIR-IMPACT and RAISE and EOSC-A Task Force PID Policy and Implementation.


  • Identify and share efforts vital to PID development that are part of the EOSC landscape.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities for future collaboration on PIDs.


  • Enhanced integration of current project developments on PIDs.
  • Identified shared challenges and collaboration opportunities between projects and Task Forces on developments surrounding PIDs, for both the present day as well as the future.
<span class=”uppercase”><span style=”text-decoration: underline;” class=”ek-underline”><sup>Tuesday afternoon</sup></span></span><br><span class=”uppercase”>The PID landscape</span>

The projects FAIRCORE4EOSC, FAIR-IMPACT and RAISE and the EOSC-A Task Force Co-Chairs of PID Policy and Implementation guide you through the PID landscape in EOSC.

The session integrates the supply and demand side of PID services by reviewing characteristics, features and attributes of PID services and providing workflows, use cases and services where end users require PIDs. The session will assess the different PID systems through an interactive demonstrator session (RAID, RAI ID, MA DMPs, SWH_ID and B2INST) that are included in the EOSC environment and cover several PID integrating services (PID Graph & PID Meta Resolver). The session also touches on two emerging initiatives, “FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs)” and “decentralized PID systems”.


  • Sharing efforts on PID development by projects and EOSC-A Task Forces.
  • Providing a systematic overview of the landscape. 


  • View of the state of the art currently and understanding of current and future developments. 
  • The session enables participants to identify the differences and similarities between PID services in the EOSC Landscape, their dependencies and usage.

The PID landscape

Time: 14:00 – 18:00
Session chair: Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis
Session rapporteur: Miguel Rey Mazón

TimeslotActivityFormatModerator / FacilitatorContent
14:00 – 14:10Introduction / Setting ContextOpening talkEvdokimos I. Konstantinidis
Participants will be welcomed to the PID track of the Winter School
14:10 – 14:40Demand for PID Services: use case studies and its ‘users’  Perspective usersPresentationWim Hugo 

Natascha van Lieshout
This session includes a presentation on the demand side of PID services, focussing on workflows, different use cases and services where end users require PIDs, and their expectations of the service.
14:40 – 15:10Supply of PID services: giving a landscape analysis on available services & new services Perspective EOSC; inventory of TFPresentationTommi Suominen FAIRCORE4EOSC


Wim Hugo
This session introduces the supply side of PID services introducing the different characteristics, features, and attributes of the PID services in EOSC the landscape.
15:10-15:30Round table discussion: connecting Supply to DemandRound tableGabi Mejias
The round table invites participants to discuss the presentations on supply and demand, with an angle of defining the gaps and challenges between the two. 
15:30 – 16:00Break   
16:00 -16:40The different types (new) PID systems
3. OSTrails and MA DMPs 
4. SWH_ID 
Short presentations Natascha van Lieshout

Gorka Epelde

Morane Gruenpeter
The ever changing landscape of EOSC has been introduced to several new PID systems. These systems are demonstrated to the participants, providing them an insight into the newly developed systems.   
16:40-17:00panel discussion; challenges of new PID systemsPanel discussionModerator: Tommi Suominen 

Natascha van Lieshout

Gorka Epelde

Morane Gruenpeter
Following the demonstrations on the new PID systems, the panel interactive panel discussion dives deeper in the experienced technical developments and the challenges faced in facilitating the systems users. The participants will develop a common understanding what is expected to build a new service, addressing several strategical topics on sustainability, participation, governance, openness of code and data.  
17:00 – 17:30PID integrating services 
1. PID Graph (API)  
2. PID metaresolver  
PresentationsMike Bennett

Themis Zamani
Following the discussion on new PID services, this session introduces two PID integrating services and the challenges they address. 
17:30-18:00Discussion gaps state of the art: priority short list of existing gapsDiscussionModerator: Evdokimos KonstantinidisClosing the day, all previous lessons will be captured in a lively discussion on the gaps in the state of the art. The session will result in a priority short list of existing gaps, that will need be addressed in the (near) future. 
<sup><span class=”uppercase”><span style=”text-decoration: underline;” class=”ek-underline”>Wednesday morning</span></span></sup><span class=”uppercase”><br>Addressing (future) challenges</span>

The Task Force PID Policy and projects FAIRCORE4EOSC and FAIR-IMPACT dive deeper into the challenges faced in PID development.  

In this session important lessons learned and challenges still to face discovered are shared by the Task Force co-chairs in an open discussion with the participants. The review and quality assurance mechanisms such as policies, best practices, governance, standards and specifications, systems, tools and services, vocabularies and registries will be examined. The Compliance Assessment Toolkit will be introduced to help measure compliance with the EOSC PID policy and disseminate best practices and guidelines to the community.


  • Providing an analysis of the challenges faced in PID development as a continuation on the session mapping the current landscape.
  • Making mechanisms for quality assurance accessible through the introduction of the Compliance Assessment Toolkit.


Through the introduction of different quality assurance mechanisms and the Compliance Assessment Toolkit, the participants are introduced to how to develop their PID services while assuring the quality that EOSC strives for. 

Addressing (future) challenges

Time: 09:30 – 12:30
Session Chair: Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis
Session rapporteur: Miguel Rey Mazón

TimeslotActivityFormatModerator / FacilitatorContent
09:30 – 09:40Recap of outcomes of preceding sessionPresentationEvdokimos I. Konstantinidis
Starting the second day of the Winter School, we will provide an overview of the previous day and look forward to the sessions in front of us. 
09:40 – 10:20PID Policy: Presentation on outcomes (15 min) Open discussion (25 min)  Open discussionTibor Kalman 
TF PID Policy  

Themis Zamani
TF PID Policy   
The Task Force PID Policy have worked on creating a common understanding of the landscape around PIDs. In this discussion important lessons of the TF PID Policy are shared. The session will then progress in an open discussion where activities between the Task Force and projects are aligned and a mapping of where projects can take ownership of the challenges ahead.
10:20 – 11:00Quality AssuranceInteractive PresentationWim Hugo
In this session, the participants dive deeper into quality assurance by regaining a view of the different mechanisms for ensuring quality. 
11:00 – 11:15[Break]   
11:15- 11:55Criteria for Compliance Assessment Recap PID policy: only for managers and providersInteractive presentationWim Hugo

Themis Zamani
TF PID Policy  
In this interactive presentation the criterias for compliance assessment are presented to the projects, focussed on PID managers and PID providers. The Compliance Assessment Toolkit will be introduced to help measure compliance with the EOSC PID policy and disseminate best practices and guidelines to the community.
11:55 -12:15 Q&A Compliance AssessmentQ&A sessionWim Hugo
Following the presentation on compliance assessment, the projects are invited to ask all burning questions that make the compliance assessment integrable to their PID use cases. 
12:15-12:30Wrap upClosing talkEvdokimos I. Konstantinidis
Wrapping up the session, a short overview of all discussed topics and important questions and discussions will be given in this part of the programme. 
<sup><span class=”uppercase”><span style=”text-decoration: underline;” class=”ek-underline”>Wednesday afternoon</span></span></sup><br><span class=”uppercase”>EOSC PID Policy Compliance</span>

The session on PID Policy Compliance takes a look at the EOSC PID Policy and its criteria, measures and tests.

The in-depth working session will review the 35 criteria in the policy and cover a number of best practices not yet included in the policy. The session will go into detail on the metrics, how compliance is measured and what guidance is available for self-assessment. During the session participants get to work on their own use cases in the framework of self-assessment and policy compliance. The concepts of FAIR Digital Objects (FDO) and decentralized PID systems will also be covered. The session will be co-hosted by the Task Force PID Policy and Implementation and the FAIR-IMPACT project.


  • Strengthening the knowledge and usability of the EOSC PID Policy and the Compliance Assessment toolkit.
  • Opening the discussion on how the policy can be adapted to current and future development.


  • Participants are familiar with the PID services and can implement that knowledge in the development of new PID services. 
  • Participants are able to perform self-assessment.  

EOSC PID Policy Compliance

Time: 15:00 – 19:00
Session Chair: Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis
Session rapporteur: Miguel Rey Mazón

TimeslotActivityFormatModerator / FacilitatorContent
15:00 – 15:30Recap of the preceding sessionPresentationEvdokimos I. Konstantinidis
Overview and summary of key points, outcomes, and insights from the Wednesday morning session
15:30 – 17:00Adapting the policy and  criteria to the needs of the landscape todayInteractive work session Wim Hugo

Gorka Epelde
RAISE (use case) 
The interactive work session on adapting policy and assessment criteria directly connects current day use cases of projects to the work done while also taking a critical look at the current state of the criteria and policy. 
17:00 – 17:30[Break]   
17:30-18:00Adapting the policy and  criteria to the needs of the landscape todayInteractive work session Wim Hugo

Gorka Epelde
RAISE (use case)  
The interactvie work session on adapting policy and assessment criteria directly connects current day use cases of projects to the work done while also taking a critical look at the current state of the criteria and policy. 
18:00 – 19:00Writing Up Outcomes & RecommendationsCollaborative WorkAll Closing: Evdokimos
I. Konstantinidis
This final collaborative session is dedicated to gathering all outcomes of the PIDs sessions of the Winter School and translating them into tangible recommendations and future plans.
<span class=”uppercase”><sup><span style=”text-decoration: underline;” class=”ek-underline”>Thursday morning</span></sup></span><br><span class=”uppercase”>Wrap-up</span>

Conclude your Winter School experience by reviewing all lessons learned in previous sessions and aligning with medium- and long-term objectives.

We will discuss important input for 2024-2026, contributions to the SRIA 2.0, and look beyond to 2027 to enhance the potential of the Horizon Europe EOSC-related projects.

20 min. presentation on PID sessions

Bios of the PIDs sub-committee




Tommi is currently the Coordinator of the FAIRCORE4EOSC HE-project. He is an interdisciplinary expert with 20+ years of working experience on information systems development from both science and industry. On the academic side, he has been working on EU research projects since 2006 and his competence lies in the conceptualisation of software solutions to research problems, especially related to the sustainable use of natural resources. His PhD focused on development of sustainability impact assessment methods. As a senior information architect at CSC his primary interests are on the design of structurally and semantically interoperable information systems. He has done the information modelling for the Finnish national CRIS research.fi.



Wim Hugo is the CTO of DANS, a major data archive and expertise centre based in the Netherlands, and is a contributor to both the FAIRCORE4EOSC (WP Lead) and FAIR-IMPACT (Task Lead) projects. He is active in EOSC Task Forces, CESSDA, GEO, RDA, and CoreTrustSeal, and has many years of experience on topics of interoperability, specifications, standardisation, architecture, and best practices in the field of research data management, societal benefit from open science, and decision and policy support – in multiple scientific domains. The Hague, Netherlands.



Dr. Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis is the leader of the Assistive Technologies and Silver Science Research Group in the Medical Physics and Digital Innovation Lab, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He received the Diploma in electronic engineering from the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree in the Laboratory of Medical Physics of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 2015. He is currently coordinating the Research Infrastructure H2020 project, VITALISE – aiming to harmonize the procedures and ICT tools of the Health and Wellbeing Living Labs towards creating an open ecosystem for the European researchers. He is the Chairperson of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) and coordinator of the Health and Wellbeing Living Labs Action Oriented Task Force. He is currently the coordinator of the RAISE Horizon Europe funded project on services for the European Open Science Cloud, towards a crowdsource network for data processing. He has been principal investigator for a couple of national and international funded projects. In 2020, as a result of the H2020 funded project named CAPTAIN H2020 (technically coordinated by him), he co-founded CAPTAIN-COACH, one of the first 10 spin-offs of AUTH.

His research interests lie predominately in the area of living labs methodologies combined with agile aspects in the Health and Wellbeing domain as well as open science, design of tools used as interventions for elderly in the field of exergaming, indoor monitoring and e-coaching. He has authored more than 140 publications in various international peer-reviewed journals and conferences (h-index: 17, ~ 1774 citations).



Gorka Epelde is a Principal Researcher and Big Data Health research line lead at Vicomtech Foundation, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA) located in San Sebastian, Spain. Furthermore, he is a member of the eHealth group within the Bioengineering Area of the BioDonostia Health Research Institute.

Gorka possesses extensive expertise in interoperability architectures, data preparation and integration, synthetic data generation, as well as human-computer interaction. His primary areas of interest encompass Public Health and Health Informatics. In 2014, Gorka obtained his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Basque Country, in the abstract user interfaces domain.

In addition to his research endeavours, he has taken on the role of coordinating several regional and national projects, along with providing support for EU project coordination, such as H2020 MIDAS, FP7 Si-Elegans, FP6 i2Home, and FP6 Vital. Currently, Gorka serves as the Technical Coordinator of the H2020 VITALISE (https://vitalise-project.eu/) and the HEU EOSC RAISE (https://raise-science.eu/) Research Infrastructure projects. He also holds the role of software ecosystem work package lead for the Cancer Mission HEU LUCIA project (https://luciaeuproject.technion.ac.il/), project which is focused on gaining a deeper understanding of lung cancer risk factors.

EOSC-A Task Forces


Task Force PID Policy

Themis is working as Senior Project Manager at GRNET on e-Infrastructures,  Head of Department for the Implementation of European and International Infrastructure Projects whilst at the same time is member of the EUDAT CDI Board. She has been and is involved in a wide range of  European projects (EOSC-Future, DICE, FAIRCORE4EOSC), undertaking both technical and management responsibilities and co-chair in the PID policy and implementation Task Force.


Task Force PID Policy

Tibor Kalman is Co-Chair of the ‘PID Policy and Implementation’ Task Force of EOSC, Chair of the Management Board of ePIC (‘PID Consortium for eResearch’), as well as Vice-Chair of the Joint Research Committee of DARIAH-ERIC.

Tibor is an IT professional at GWDG, Germany. He joined GWDG in 2005 and contributed on several international infrastructure and data management projects with the aim to build up research environments for various disciplines.

Tibor holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Göttingen. His teaching activities included amongst others the theory and practice of distributed systems, parallel computing, and data management. His current research focuses on (1) distributed computing paradigms, (2) automated system deployment, and (3) research data management, including persistent identifiers.

He also has 20+ years experience as an independent IT consultant specialising in small and medium-sized enterprises.

EOSC-A Board of Directors



Ignacio Blanquer is a full professor of the Computer System Department at UPV. He has been a member of the Research Group on Grid and High-Performance Computing of the Institute of Instrumentation for Molecular Imaging (I3M) since 1993 and became the leader of this group in 2015 and vice-director of the I3M in 2019. He is currently the coordinator of the Spanish Network of e-Science and serves as an expert to the Spanish Ministry of Science in the areas of e-Science and EOSC. He is also the Spanish delegate of e-IRG and an elected member of the board of directors of the EOSC Association. He has coordinated three European projects on cloud applied to science and serves as work package coordinator in European projects related to scientific data such as EOSC-SYNERGY, PRIMAGE and CHAIMELEON. He is currently the co-leader of the central node of the European Federation of Cancer Images (EUCAIM), a Horizon Europe project funded under the Digital Europe program. He is also a senior researcher in the Biomedical Imaging Research Group at La Fe hospital in Valencia. He has been involved in Parallel Computation and Medical Image processing participated in more than 60 national and European Research Projects and has authored and co-authored 50 articles in indexed journals, as well as more than 100 publications as book chapters, non-indexed journals and national and international conference proceedings.

Coordination & Support



Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi leads the RDM team and the digitization of research at Graz University of Technology. She holds a PhD in Computer Science and has extensive experience in leading the development of collaborative and Open Science tools and services at institutional and national level. She is coordinator of the BMBWF projects FAIR Data Austria and Shared RDM Services & Infrastructure, chair of the Management Board of the Austrian EOSC Mandated Organisation and co-chair of the EOSC-A Task Force Data Stewardship curricula and career paths.



Marthe Bierens is project member at Graz University of Technology for the EOSC Focus project and EOSC Support Office Austria. She primarily focuses on Stakeholder Engagement & Management, Technical Development & Collaboration and Monitoring & Impact Assignment of EOSC. She has a background (Msc.) in Social Sciences.