Jan Hrušák
Jan Hrušák is senior research fellow at the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He is also scientific advisor on European Science policy affairs at the Czech Academy of Sciences, member of the ministerial board for large research infrastructures and special envoy for research infrastructures at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic (MEYS). He completed his studies in physical chemistry and received PhD (Dr.rer.nat) in 1987 at the Technical University Leuna-Merseburg (Germany). Jan Hrušák served two terms in the Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and he has been appointed for two years as Director General for Research at MEYS. He is a longstanding member of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures and the Czech delegate to the European Research and Innovation Area Committee. He was also appointed to the EOSC Executive board (2019-2020) and now represents the Czech Republic in the EOSC Steering board, where he acts as the vice-MS-cochair.