Recommendations for Cross-Domain Metadata Schemas

Q2 2024

Result description

WorldFAIR will create a set of recommendations and good practices on cross-domain metadata schemas that can contribute to true interoperability across disciplines. Taken together this will form the Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework (CDIF). This work and the accompanying report will base on 11 case studies and will describe examples and what needs to be considered when looking at cross-domain research data.

Problem addressed

The current “bibliographical” approach to (FAIR) data remains mostly at the level of catalogue entries: providing some limited bibliographic (e.g. DC), discovery (subject list) and management (e.g. CERIF) metadata. It does not provide a sufficiently detailed description of the datasets for most reuse or data integration requirements. This adds cost to reuse, and greatly hinders the possibility of using data across different domains, because it does not supply necessary information about, for example, data structure, data provenance and process, and guides to harmonising the differences in domain semantics.

Who can use the result

The recommendations should become a reference for research infrastructures to implement cross-domain metadata schemes (the CDIF) that will better enable interdisciplinary research.


The recommendations are expected by the end of the project in mid-2024. A preliminary 12-month progress review was successfully completed by the project, including the 11 case studies, in June 2023.

How to use the result

The result will be available at the WorldFAIR Zenodo Community and the project website