Interoperability of Neuroscience, Cancer, Transportation and Energy Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKGs) with the OpenAIRE Graph

Q4 2025
  • Implementation challenges
    • EOSC interoperability
  • Result description

    SciLake will identify databases, ontologies, and taxonomies relevant to the pilots’ scientific domains (neuroscience, cancer, transportation and energy) and will use these to create or extend domain-specific Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKGs) that are interoperable with the OpenAIRE Graph. To this end, the project will identify associations between domain-specific ontologies and the main ontologies in the scholarly domains already well-represented in EOSC.

    Problem addressed

    Improvement in the accessibility of domain-specific knowledge.

    Improvement in the interoperability of domain-specific Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKGs) with the OpenAIRE Graph.

    Assistance in the creation of customisable added-value services for various research communities.

    Who can use the result

    Scientific domains of neuroscience, cancer, transportation and energy.


    Beta version: Q2 2024 Final: Q4 2025

    How to use the result

    The result will be available at the project website.

    Type of result