Open Science Department at the Malta University
In 2014, the University of Malta (UM) Library has set up an Open Science Department. The remit of this department is to:
- Promote and advocate in favour of Open Science practices and principles at the UM
- Support UM academics and researchers with the uploading of their research content on the UM Institutional Repository – OAR@UM
- Provide advice and training on the various aspects of OS, including copyright issues, CC-licences, embargoes, etc
- Develop, implement strategies, policies and the necessary technical infrastructures to support OS
Moreover, the UM Library was responsible for the implementation of an institutional Open Access Policy for the UM whereby academics and researchers are requested to deposit copies of their research publications in Open Access. In 2014, the Library has also implemented an Institutional Repository for the UM, which is an online platform where academics and researchers can deposit copies of their research publications in OA. Subsequently, OAR@UM facilities the collection, preservation and dissemination of research being generated under the auspices of the UM. OAR@UM is OpenAIRE compliant and is registered with various OAI Service Providers.
The UM Library is a member of OpenAIRE, whose remit is to align OS policies amongst EU members states, provide OS services, links research and monitors OS practices. Additionally, the UM Library is actively participating within the SEA-EU Alliance and is responsible for the implementation of Open Science principles and practices, predominantly for Open Access to research publications and implementation of the necessary infrastructures. The Library is also participating within the reSEArch-EU project and is responsible for the sharing of best practices, and the implementation of Research Data Management policies and Data Repositories by the SEA-EU partner universities.
Currently, the UM Library is working on the implementation of a Research Data Management Policy for the UM, and the identification and implementation of a Data Repository which will serve as a platform where researches can deposit, and possibly share their research data.