7 May 2024
EOSC Association Newsletter #35
The EOSC Association’s 8th General Assembly is rapidly approaching, and registration will close next Monday, 13 May. If you have not done so already, now is the time to finalise your plans to attend the most important EOSC-A event on the calendar, where you can exercise your rights as Members.
With this newsletter we also announce that registration is open for October’s EOSC Symposium in Berlin. In addition to the publication of a draft programme, including the six selections for Unconference Sessions, the organisers have opened a Call for Posters where you can showcase your contributions to implementing EOSC.
Following the meeting of the EOSC Partnership’s Tripartite Governance in Brussels this past month, the shaping of the EOSC Federation has continued to move forward quickly. A new “Tripartite Group” has been established as a coordination and support mechanism for building the EOSC Federation, and EOSC-A has been given a mandate to continue leading the development of the EOSC Federation Handbook. Read more about these developments below, and please visit our new EOSC Federation webpage to keep updated on the latest developments.
Many more updates on activities from April, and others forthcoming in May, are highlighted below, including National Tripartite Events in Belgium, Croatia and the Netherlands, an update on the new Task Forces, and the release of the Winter School 2024 full report.
Finally, don’t miss our interview full of insights from Ivan Marić of SRCE, the EOSC-A Mandated Organisation for Croatia.