Stichting Health-RI (HRI)
Stichting Health-RI (HRI)
Health-RI’s mission is better health(care) for citizens and patients by reusing health data with an integrated health data infrastructure for research, policy and innovation. Health-RI has a track record of working on EOSC-related activities, the majority of which originate from The Dutch Techcenter for Life Sciences (DTL). Being a key national player for national health data infrastructure and Thematic Digital Competent Center (TDCC) for life science & health research, Health-RI aims to co-design EOSC as the cross-connecting European infrastructure driving FAIR-based data access across disciplines for the Netherlands and beyond. Health-RI also actively contributes to other major European initiatives such as, the European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRIs), and the European Health Data Space (EHDS) to enable high-efficiency, high-impact research for the health benefit of European citizens and patients.