Research Data Alliance Association AISBL
Research Data Alliance Association AISBL
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is an international community-driven organisation
whose mission is to develop the social and technical data infrastructure needed to drive
innovation surrounding data sharing and data interoperability. RDA Association AISBL
(RDA Europe) is the European office of the RDA, supporting regional communities,
advocating for their unique and collective interests in the European data landscape, and
facilitating the connection between national and global initiatives. RDA Europe is built on
the strong commitment of European countries, individuals and organisations, as well as
the European Commission to the mission of the Research Data Alliance. It draws from the
rich history and successes of European Commission-funded RDA projects, such as RDA
EU3 and RDA EU4, as well as RDA Regional Members in Europe.
The mission of RDA Europe is to inspire, cultivate and support European communities,
organisations and individuals to develop and implement globally agreeable solutions to
enable open sharing and re-use of data through the RDA.
RDA Europe and the EOSC align through our shared goals of promoting open science,
enabling data interoperability, and implementing FAIR data principles across the
European research landscape. Through complementary strategies, projects and actions,
we work to shape the European data ecosystem, ensuring that the global open science
community can benefit from European contributions and opportunities.
RDA focuses on developing the standards, best practices, and frameworks needed for
data sharing, with RDA Europe at the forefront of European data communities, while
EOSC provides the infrastructure and services that make these principles and practices
operational at scale.