HomeEOSCEOSC Macro-RoadmapImplementation challenges
AquaINFRA is co-designing an EOSC-compliant pilot service that allows AquaINFRA users to seamlessly and easily find and access harmonised data from 1) the diverse set of Pan-European and...
The VRE is a cloud-based platform where users can seamlessly combine computing environments, algorithms and data sources to support freshwater research.
FAIR-IMPACT will build on the outputs of the RDA/ReSA/FORCE11 FAIR for Research Software WG and existing guidelines & metrics for research software to adapt and enhance the FAIR...
FAIR-IMPACT will will demonstrate the impact of FAIR semantic artefacts for data repositories and metadata catalogues. It will validate methodologies and guidelines with data driven scenarios from the...
Research communities and infrastructures will be supported in defining PID policies that are in line with the EOSC PID policy as well as the needs of the designated...
SciLake will identify databases, ontologies, and taxonomies relevant to the pilots' scientific domains (neuroscience, cancer, transportation and energy) and will use these to create or extend domain-specific Scientific...
SciLake is building a data storage and analytics service to accommodate, manage, and expose heterogeneous scholarly content through domain-agnostic or domain-specific “Scientific Knowledge Graphs” together with relevant unstructured...
List of existing and emerging standards corresponding to a set of functional requirements to support the next level of interoperability. This provides a ‘lingua franca’ consisting of a...
FAIR-IMPACT will build on existing international frameworks and standards in scientific disciplines and on non-scientific large data sources of interest for research and will contribute to fostering the...
Building on work from FAIRsFAIR, RDA and elsewhere, FAIR-IMPACT will work with the integrated use case partners and other stakeholders to provide key documents and recommendations for legal...
FAIR-IMPACT will provide a complete legal framework facilitating technical interoperability.
FAIR-IMPACT will analyse and demonstrate semantic and technical interoperability in use cases across multiple domains. It will generate guidelines about usage of the components identified in the EOSC...