HomeEOSCEOSC Macro-RoadmapQ4
The training activities in the GraspOS project are focused on enhancing expertise in research assessment and the use of indicators at an individual and institutional level. The main...
The GraspOS Community of Practice (CoP) engages a diverse set of stakeholders - which changes depending on the focus of the theme in bimonthly online sessions. These sessions...
EVERSE is developing a rewards and recognition framework for software engineers based on the approach employed for data stewards. The... Read more
The FAIR Assessment Dashboard is a collection of tools for software developers at science clusters to assess and monitor the... Read more
The VRE is a cloud-based platform where users can seamlessly combine computing environments, algorithms and data sources to support freshwater research.
FAIR-IMPACT will build on the outputs of the RDA/ReSA/FORCE11 FAIR for Research Software WG and existing guidelines & metrics for research software to adapt and enhance the FAIR...
GraspOS infrastructure is expected to host a set of tools and services which are divided in the following main bundles: i) A bundle of Enrichment Tools & Services,...
To enable responsible research assessment (RRA) and Open Science (OS) to be adopted, GraspOS will deliver an open and federated infrastructure architecture that will incorporate valuable data sources...
The Open Science Assessment Framework (OSAF) is being developed to facilitate translation of Open Science and Responsible Research Assessment (RRA) principles into situated research evaluation protocols. The OSAF...
SciLake will identify databases, ontologies, and taxonomies relevant to the pilots' scientific domains (neuroscience, cancer, transportation and energy) and will use these to create or extend domain-specific Scientific...
SciLake is building a data storage and analytics service to accommodate, manage, and expose heterogeneous scholarly content through domain-agnostic or domain-specific “Scientific Knowledge Graphs” together with relevant unstructured...
Building on work from FAIRsFAIR, RDA and elsewhere, FAIR-IMPACT will work with the integrated use case partners and other stakeholders to provide key documents and recommendations for legal...