Advancing Open Science to accelerate the creation of new knowledge, inspire education, spur innovation and promote accessibility and transparency
The EOSC Association is the legal entity established to govern the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It was formed on 29 July 2020 with four founding members, and has since grown to 250 Members and Observers.
The Association membership is jointly responsible for delivering the objectives agreed in the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the European Union and EOSC Association to form the official Partnership.
The EOSC Association elects a President and Board of Directors from within the General Assembly. Elections happen at the annual General Assembly meeting with all full members having voting rights. The Association employs a Secretary General who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the organisation, running the Secretariat and overseeing inputs from staff.
The EOSC ecosystem is being co-created in a series of funded projects and initiatives from Member States and Associated Countries. The EOSC Association plays an important role in helping to coordinate and steer these investments via its Task Forces and other governance structures.