Interdisciplinary Data Discovery and Access Service (IDDAS) for Earth and Environmental Research

Q1 2024
  • Implementation challenges
    • User / Resource provider environments
  • Result description

    FAIR-EASE IDDAS provides a harmonised interface to data discovery, access and download services of selected data infrastructures in EU. The IDDAS is a central search and access interface to a distributed system of systems, that uses an inventory from FE pilots as basis to list the involved systems like EMODnet, SeaDataNet, NOAA/NCEI, ESA, NASA, and others. It will provide an overview of available datasets via its metadata and facilitates the access. Discovery will be supported by the GEODAB brokering software as well as I-ADOPT smart mapping solutions.

    Problem addressed

    Many datasets in earth and environmental sciences cannot be accessed in a common interface, using common search terms and central data handling, because of the lack of metadata harmonisation and aligned discovery and access services. IDDAS provides a common interface for location of and access to all data sources through a central query dialogue, and a “shopping” mechanism that allows users to compose and submit mixed request baskets for data sets from multiple BDIs.

    Who can use the result

    Earth and environmental sciences research communities.


    Q1 2024 first release

    How to use the result

    More information to be available once the result is available.

    Type of result