HomeEOSCEOSC Macro-RoadmapService
GraspOS infrastructure is expected to host a set of tools and services which are divided in the following main bundles: i) A bundle of Enrichment Tools & Services,...
SciLake is building a data storage and analytics service to accommodate, manage, and expose heterogeneous scholarly content through domain-agnostic or domain-specific “Scientific Knowledge Graphs” together with relevant unstructured...
A service that allows researchers to open data for processing for others, retaining ownership, and preventing downloading or accessing of the data.
Research Analysis Identifier (RAI) of experiments will become a new Persistent Identifier (PID) that can be used in addition to existing PIDs. This identifier combines the result with...
Earth Analytic Lab is an integrated collaborative web-based platform for an Earth System Model that describes the atmospheric and oceanic circulation and thermodynamics, and the biological and chemical...
FAIR-EASE IDDAS provides a harmonised interface to data discovery, access and download services of selected data infrastructures in EU. The IDDAS is a central search and access interface...
EOSC Software Heritage Mirror (SWHM) will enable EOSC to extend data collected through Software Heritage and its mirrors. The mirrors are copies of the Software Heritage universal source...
The EOSC Research Software APIs and Connectors (RSAC), developed in cooperation with FAIR-IMPACT, will create research software elements for archiving, referencing, describing and citing, based on the four...
The RDGraph is an improvement of the OpenAIRE Graph that integrates new components like RAiD. FAIRCORE4EOSC will improve several existing features (e.g. data dumps, and APIs to support...
The EOSC Metadata Schema and Crosswalk Registry (MSCR) provides the steps to translate data from different repositories with non-compatible metadata schemas to a single metadata schema to enable...
The EOSC PID Meta Resolver (PIDMR) is a generalized resolver to map items into records and integrate them in a global network (e.g. Global Handle). It will also...
RAiD is a new Persistent Identifier (PID) developed by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) to mint persistent, unique and resolvable information for research projects. RAiD enables users...