Revision of EOSC Statutes

Revision of EOSC Statutes

After almost one year of existence, there was a need to update the Statutes of the EOSC Association in order to fit better with the needs and peculiarity of our Members and Observers. This is why the Board has revised the EOSC-A Statutes. It has gone through the articles and made amendments. The discussions have included, for example, differences between Members and Observers, the application of double majority voting, restrictions on Board members, translation issues, and clarifications in the interpretation of the text. 

Most of the changes are not significant. Only the main ones are presented below and will be discussed in the webinar session. Throughout the text is clearer now that the Board is formed by the Directors plus the President. Furthermore, we distinguish the “Members” (with capital M) from the membership which stands for all the Members and Observers of the EOSC Association. 

The revised Statutes are now shared with the EOSC-A membership and the Board will organise an online Q&A session to discuss the revisions on 05 October 2021. Our membership will be asked to send comments on the revisions by 22 October 2021 and the Board will finalise the revised Statutes by the beginning of November 2021.

A certified translation from English into French will then be organised which will form the legally binding version of the Statutes. The final revised Statutes will be sent to our membership by 19 November 2021 to be discussed in the GA. 

In January 2022, the Association will start the process of revising the Bylaws of EOSC-A by including Members and Observers in a specific operational group.

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