Call for Candidates for four (4) Directors

A call for candidates for four (4) Director positions is hereby launched for the 2024 elections, which will take place during the 9th General Assembly of the EOSC Association (GA#9). GA#9 is an online meeting to be held on 22 November 2024, and elections will take place via an online voting procedure. 

The upcoming election is being held because the terms of three Directors are concluding (with one of these eligible to stand for re-election), and a fourth vacancy has arisen prematurely due to the December 2023 passing of Director Sarah Jones. Sarah’s position will initially be filled on a one-year interim basis. 

Note that GA#9 will begin by admitting Provisional Members, elevating their status to Members, and thus will confer the eligibility of delegates from these Provisional Members for candidacy in the election that follows within the same meeting.

Director Vacancies 2024 

One (1) Director will be elected with a term of one (1) year

Three (3) Directors will be elected during the 2024 elections, each with a term of three (3) years.  

New Directors may serve a total of six (6) years if re-elected after their initial three-year term. 

The Director elected for the one (1) year term can serve a total of four (4) years if re-elected for a subsequent three-year term. 

Individuals interested in potentially serving on the Board for either four years (one + three) or six years (three + three) are encouraged to apply for both the three-year and one-year term options.

Currently there is a need for Directors with specific skills, including political insight, policy expertise, and relevant technological know-how, which would best serve to continue the ongoing work of the Board.

For good order, we recall article 3.4 of the Articles of Association, which states that for the election of Directors of the Board a double majority is required, including both: 

  • Two-thirds (2⁄3) majority of votes of Members present or represented, and; 
  • Two-thirds (2⁄3) majority of votes of Mandated Organisations present or represented. 

Announcing Candidacy

All candidates for the 2024 elections are invited to submit the following three (3) parts of the required documentation to by no later than 23:59 local Brussels time (CEST) on Friday, 25 October 2024:

  1. Curriculum vitae (max. two A4 pages)
  2. Motivation letter from the candidate (max. two A4 pages)
  3. Letter from a suitable authority of the Member organisation of the candidate stating their support for the individual’s candidacy (max. two A4 pages)

Please indicate whether you wish to stand as a candidate for one of the three-year positions, the one-year interim position, or both.

Requirements for Directors of the EOSC Association

All of the requirements and expectations concerning the roles and responsibilities of EOSC-A Directors can be found here.

Anticipated priorities of the EOSC-A Board of Directors (2025-2027)

As a member of the EOSC-A Board of Directors you are expected to play a key role over the next three years in the following areas: 

  • Creating the EOSC Federation;
  • Shaping the role of EOSC-A and the larger EOSC community in the Federation’s operations and governance;
  • Engaging with stakeholders in relevant constituencies;
  • Negotiating the future governance and funding model of EOSC in the context of the Tripartite Collaboration;
  • Anchoring EOSC in the European Union’s 10th Framework Programme;
  • Delivering SRIA 2.0 on behalf of the EOSC Partnership;
  • Guiding the EOSC-A Task Forces towards delivery of their Terms of Reference;
  • Supervising the implementation of EU projects (two or more);
  • Stimulating the growing collaboration among the Horizon Europe INFRAEOSC projects;
  • Advocacy on behalf of the Association and the EOSC Partnership.

Search Committee

The EOSC-A Board formed a three-person Search Committee for Candidates for the Board of Directors to help EOSC-A to ensure that the best candidates will step forward. The Committee, which was introduced at GA#8 in Leuven, serves in an advisory role to the EOSC-A General Assembly and is tasked with providing feedback to potential candidates and to approach individuals in the EOSC community for the purpose of encouraging them to apply for a Board position. This does not alter the fact that any delegate may apply, and decision-making on EOSC-A Board positions rests exclusively with the EOSC-A Member delegates who vote in an election during the General Assembly.

All interested Board candidates are encouraged to contact the Search Committee for a private exchange in order to manage expectations. Please send an email to in order to establish contact.

Additional questions

Questions can be directed to the current EOSC Association President by using the e-mail, who will reply as soon as possible. 

Timeline and Deadlines

03.09.2024Launch of Call for Candidates
25.10.2024, 23:59 CESTDeadline for submission of application to
01.11.2024Publication of candidacies as part of the documentation for GA#9
22.11.2024Election of four Directors of the EOSC Association during GA#9
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