EOSC-A joins the Research Matters Campaign

The EOSC Association has joined as a signatory to the open letter, “A call to strengthen research and innovation in Europe”, an initiative of the Research Matters Campaign.

By raising awareness of the crucial role that research plays in addressing global challenges, the campaign calls for:

  • Increased funding for research and development (R&D), reaching over 3% of GDP in the EU and all European countries.
  • Doubling the budget for the EU’s next research programme, FP10, and protecting that budget by ring-fencing it.

The Research Matters campaign is a collaboration between European universities, research organisations, funding agencies, industry partners, and communication professionals across Europe. The campaign is hosted by EUPRIO, European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education, together with 15 partners.

Why Research Matters

Research impacts people’s lives by driving innovations in healthcare, technology, and sustainability, leading to improved quality of life, economic growth, and societal well-being.

Research empowers societies by equipping them with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate both current and unforeseen challenges effectively, fostering progress, sustainability, and prosperity for generations to come.

Research matters because it drives innovation and fosters solutions to urgent global challenges such as climate change, cybersecurity, and pandemics.

To learn more about the Research Matters Campaign, visit research-matters.eu.

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