
RAISE Science Webinar

The RAISE project is organizing a webinar entitled “RAISE Science Webinar: a transparent way of sharing and processing data” that...

Webinar: the Mythical Data Lake

Objective of the webinar In this webinar it will be discussed the "Data Lake" infrastructure improving access to data both...

Jornadas Científicas 2023

Open Science represents an approach to science that is collaborative, transparent and accessible, facilitating the sharing and communication of processes...

Webinar: EOSC and Data Spaces

Jointly organised by the EOSC Association (EOSC-A) and the Data Spaces Support Center (DSSC), this webinar took place on Monday...

EUDAT Summer School 2023

After the pause due to COVID, EUDAT is ready to continue with the organisation of the successful series of Summer...

e-IRG workshop under Swedish EU Presidency

The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) organises two open workshops every year, each under the auspices of the corresponding presidency of...

ENVRI-FAIR Policy Event

The ENVRI-FAIR event is a policy event on the impact of European environmental data on society. The event will focus...