SRIA 2.0: Community consultation

The development and deployment of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a continuous and rapidly evolving process directed by the European co-programmed Partnership for EOSC.

The EOSC Partnership’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) defines the general framework for future research, development, and innovation activities in relation to EOSC, and will serve as the Partnership’s guiding document for the coming four years.
Recent developments in relation to EOSC have been considerable and are increasing in speed, giving rise to the need to formulate a new SRIA to guide the further development. The process to accomplish this will run throughout 2024. The new document will become SRIA 2.0 and will be the basis for the development of EOSC going forward. SRIA 2.0 will be especially important in its impact on EOSC for the period post-2027, when the implementation and operation of EOSC will move forward under the guidance of a new governance structure.

Consultation timeline

The online community consultation for the extended outline of SRIA 2.0 opened on 2 April 2024, and closed on 5 May 2024.

The consultation is based on a first draft table of contents, including high-level descriptions of each chapter, which have been prepared by the EOSC Association Board of Directors.
During 2024 more targeted consultations on the draft texts of the SRIA will be coordinated with relevant groups like the EOSC-Steering Board expert group, the Research Infrastructures, the EOSC-A membership, the HE INFRAEOSC projects, etc.
The EOSC Partnership aims to have SRIA 2.0 completed by mutual agreement between the European Commission and the EOSC Association and submitted for approval to the Partnership Board before the end of 2024.

Webinars for presentation of draft content

The EOSC Association hosted three webinars in April to present the draft content of SRIA 2.0 and introduce the consultation procedure to the wider stakeholder community. You can watch a recording of the webinar on the EOSC-A YouTube channel.

The consultation enabled participants to rate the relevance of topics and suggest additional input. Responses from 70 organisations were received, with 82% coming from EOSC-A Members, 10% from Observers, and 8% from outside the Association.

Feedback on the relevance of the content for each respective chapter was clearly positive, with constructive remarks addressing the appropriate level of detail needed in SRIA 2.0. Summary of feedback received for each chapter:

A full revision of the EOSC Partnership’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) is in progress.

The next step is to conduct targeted consultations with relevant groups. Due to the ongoing discussions and activities around the formation of the EOSC Federation and the governance of EOSC post-2027, preparation of a mature draft of SRIA 2.0 has been de-prioritised for 2024, and will be picked up again in Q1 2025. 

The development of SRIA 2.0 will depend on the evolution of the EOSC Federation, but it is expected to be completed before 2026. Further consultations will take place as the new chapters are drafted.