Service Framework to Facilitate International Collaboration

Q1 2023
  • Landscape, Monitoring and Engagement
    • Widening to public and private sectors & going global
  • Result description

    A set of services to support international collaboration in the area of research data sharing. Services include:  i) tools to make international collaboration efficient  (Facilitation of a RDA Working Group creation and operation), ii) tools to bring outputs to international discussions (Facilitation and communication services of a RDA Working Group)  and iii) tools to locate global partners (Engagement activity together with landscape analysis). The service framework is designed to help streamline the processes of finding and engaging international partners in a structured way and creating additional sustainability of the results via facilitating community uptake.

    Problem addressed

    Research data challenges are a global issue. For organizations and initiatives, it is difficult to navigate the complexity of the research data sharing ecosystem. Tools to facilitate international collaboration are needed.

    Who can use the result

    Current and upcoming RDA Working groups, specifically ones created together with EOSC-related projects.


    The current service and result can be used until 31 December 2025. The service description and design, depending on sustainability discussions and solutions within RDA, can potentially lead to them also becoming available as part of RDA service provision beyond the lifetime project.

    How to use the result

    Contact / The service can be accessed via application process linked below

    Type of result