Research Analysis Identifier (RAI)

Q3 2023
  • Implementation challenges
    • Persistent Identifiers
  • Result description

    Research Analysis Identifier (RAI) of experiments will become a new Persistent Identifier (PID) that can be used in addition to existing PIDs. This identifier combines the result with the dataset and algorithm employed by a researcher to process the dataset.

    Problem addressed

    To identify, reproduce and acknowledge research analysis performer and data owner, especially in the context of controlled data.

    Who can use the result

    Researchers as data providers and data processors, publishers, open repositories and the whole EOSC community


    Prototype is currently being developed (as in Q2 2023). The demonstrator ready in Q3/Q4 2023. The operational system available for use for external users in Q3/Q4/2025.

    How to use the result

    More information about the result will be available once published.

    Type of result