GraspOS Tools and Services

Q4 2025
  • Landscape, Monitoring and Engagement
    • Landscape Monitoring
  • Skills, training, rewards, recognition
    • Reward and recognition
  • Result description

    GraspOS infrastructure is expected to host a set of tools and services which are divided in the following main bundles

    • A bundle of Enrichment Tools & Services, which can be used to handle the transformation, manipulation, and analysis of data within the infrastructure to produce enrichments that can be of value in the context of OS-aware RRA. These tools and services are also expected to contribute in the further enrichment of the scholarly data sources included in the GraspOS infrastructure. 
    • A bundle of Monitoring Tools & Services, which focus on (a) reporting and visualizing research assessment evidence and indicators at different levels (e.g., researcher, organization, country) to support OS-aware RRA processes, and (b) monitoring the uptake and impact of OS  from multiple perspectives (e.g., institutional-level, national-level, scientific societal).

    Apart from the aforementioned bundles of tools and services (i.e., enrichment and monitoring), the GraspOS infrastructure is also offering a bundle of Data Services. These refer to the services provided based on the APIs of the data sources that are included in the GraspOS infrastructure.

    Problem addressed

    GraspOS aims to extend existing enrichment and monitoring services according to the recommendations provided by the Open Science Assessment Framework (OSAF). These services will be supported by the open and federated GraspOS infrastructure.

    Who can use the result

    OpenAIRE partners, national level organisations, institutional level organisations and research communities.


    First version by end of 2023, final release by end of project (end of 2025).

    How to use the result

    Type of result