EOSC Software Heritage Mirror

Q2 2025
  • Implementation challenges
    • Software
  • Result description

    EOSC Software Heritage Mirror (SWHM) will enable EOSC to extend data collected through Software Heritage and its mirrors. The mirrors are copies of the Software Heritage universal source code archive, operated in agreement with, but independent from, the Software Heritage organisation. In order to prevent information loss, a mirror of Software Heritage will be established by GRNET to serve the EOSC community, and it will be updated regularly to follow the growth of the universal source code archive.

    Problem addressed

    The EOSC Software Heritage Mirror (SWHM) will improve software availability, prevent information loss, ensure unfettered access to software source code, and increase sharing and accessibility.

    Who can use the result

    Users of EOSC Core.


    Beta at Q4 2023. Final release Q2 2025.

    How to use the result

    More information will be made available once the result has been published.

    Type of result