EOSC Research Discovery Graph Service

Q2 2025
  • Implementation challenges
    • Persistent Identifiers
  • Result description

    The RDGraph is an improvement of the OpenAIRE Graph that integrates new components like RAiD. FAIRCORE4EOSC will improve several existing features (e.g. data dumps, and APIs to support data re-use) and will add some new ones (e.g. “impact-based search”, to provide a way to search for data while taking into account usage statistics, and “natural language search”, to enable the use of human language to search for research data and community recommendation profiles that allows to create sub-profiles for different communities).

    Problem addressed

    The EOSC Research Discovery Graph Service (RDGraph) delivers advanced discovery tools across EOSC resources and communities and builds upon the EOSC Catalogue’s content.

    Who can use the result

    EOSC users


    Beta at Q4 2023 Final release Q2 2025

    How to use the result

    More information will be made available once the result has been published.

    Type of result