EOSC Compliance Assessment Toolkit

Q2 2025
  • Implementation challenges
    • Persistent Identifiers
  • Result description

    The Compliance Assessment Toolkit (CAT) will support the EOSC PID policy by enabling self-assessment against the policy by actors in the landscape. The CAT provides user and application interfaces to encode, record, and query compliance with the policy.  The tool will also provide guidance and best practice information, co-developed with the FAIR-IMPACT project.

    Problem addressed

    There is currently no unambiguous way to assess the compliance of Persistent Identifier (PID) schemes in use. In order for EOSC to implement a consistent PID Policy, it needs to have an assessment tool in place to assess and verify compliance. This will be provided by the Compliance Assessment Toolkit (CAT).

    Who can use the result

    Repository (PID) managers and PID service providers looking to evaluate the compliance of their own services, or to query existing assessments for other services in the PID ecosystem. End users of persistent identifiers are supported with assessments of the actors in the ecosystem. Guidance and best practices, linked to compliance criteria, assists all actors with improvements to the use and provision of services.


    Beta at Q4 2023 Final release Q2 2025

    How to use the result

    More information will be made available once the beta version has been released.

    Type of result