Catalogue of Open Science Career Profiles – Minimum Viable Skillsets

Q2 2023
  • Skills, training, rewards, recognition
    • Skills and training
  • Result description

    The Catalogue of Minimum Viable Skillset (MVS) Profiles is a resource that outlines essential skills and competences for roles in Open Science with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It helps with skills development and curriculum design by connecting key competences to specific Open Science practices.

    Each MVS Profile within the catalogue is developed by drawing upon existing skills resources and competence frameworks, consolidating them into a concise and standardized format. The primary purpose of these profiles is to facilitate skills development, particularly in the context of curriculum and training course design.

    Problem addressed

    The Catalogue of Minimum Viable Skillset (MVS) Profiles is a significant outcome of the project to unify the training landscape, define competencies, clarify professional roles, and reduce fragmentation in training resources, in Open Science and FAIR data.

    Who can use the result

    All of EOSC and more generally Open Science (OS) stakeholders.

    How to use the result

    The Catalogue of Minimum Viable Skillset (MVS) Profiles is open to reuse for all the EOSC community and more generally Open Science (OS) stakeholders.

    Type of result