Case study led by leading global institutions in the respective fields: Urban Health

Q2 2024
  • Landscape, Monitoring and Engagement
    • Widening to public and private sectors & going global
  • Result description

    This case study  provides recommendations related to Urban Health. It is led by the SALURBAL project; SALURBAL has systematized a process for city definition and operationalization that integrates multiple ways in which a city can be delimited, has created a data structure that allowed the incorporation of data from different sources, making it shareable across several cores and disciplines, and has developed procedures and standards that systematically documented issues related to data access, quality, and completeness during the process of data harmonization. The WorldFAIR case study explores and further refines this approach to provide recommendations for urban health data that reflect the FAIR and CARE principles and contribute to promote best practices in data sharing and use within and beyond the Urban Health field.

    Problem addressed

    The recommendations contained in the CDIF will consider standards in particular domains being used in EOSC, as well as in other regions of the world.

    Who can use the result

    All scientific disciplines for which the standards are relevant.


    The recommendations are expected by the end of the project in mid-2024. A preliminary 12-month progress review was successfully completed by the project in June 2023.

    How to use the result

    The result and relevant reports will be available on project website and WorldFAIR Zenodo community

    Type of result