HomeEOSCEOSC Macro-Roadmap2024
Standardisation mechanisms to describe and serve semantic artefacts within EOSC. Via use cases, the team will demonstrate the impact of semantic artefact management and sharing for data FAIRification...
The report will provide governance models and disciplinary approaches by reviewing and analysing semantic artefact community practices and governance models to establish their role for EOSC. FAIR-IMPACT will...
EOSC4Cancer will develop training material on how to use the different tools and elements developed by EOSC4Cancer to support cancer data research. The project will establish a training...
This report will outline recommendations on how to provide better metadata description for cancer research datasets, how to better use ontologies for the content of datasets and how...
Earth Analytic Lab is an integrated collaborative web-based platform for an Earth System Model that describes the atmospheric and oceanic circulation and thermodynamics, and the biological and chemical...
FAIR-EASE IDDAS provides a harmonised interface to data discovery, access and download services of selected data infrastructures in EU. The IDDAS is a central search and access interface...
The plugin will implement the alignment with the EOSC Interoperability Framework on Research Product Publishing and make a step towards harmonising institutional publishing platforms by solutions of known...
This report describes requirements for aggregators and indexes of metadata standards and protocols that could be integrated into journal publishing services. It considers operational recommendations for journals without...
Improve existing Open Access publishing software for the three most widely used platforms: Open Journal Systems (OJS), Janeway, and Lodel.
The Landscape Analysis provides an overview of the European Research Infrastructure (RI) ecosystem by identifying the main RIs operating transnational access in Europe, in all fields of research,...
Adopting recommendations of RDA FAIR Data Maturity, piloting for ML community. Extension of FAIR EVA to support ML model provenance.
Training material on AI-related aspects like technical aspects, DEEP EOSC platform, the AI marketplace, the use cases in the AI4EOSC project etc.