The sub-programme for PIDs introduces us to the vast landscape of PID systems and activities.
The session will make the fast developing landscape of PIDs transparent and introduce practices and services that will focus on improving quality and mutual learning. This will be introduced in an interactive format, focussing on providing practical tools, technical insights and the future development of PIDs.
Through sessions containing presentations, demonstrators and interactive workshops, the programme on PIDs covers a broad scale of topics and challenges in the PID landscape, quality assurance and PID policy compliance, led by projects FAIRCORE4EOSC, FAIR-IMPACT and RAISE and EOSC-A Task Force PID Policy and Implementation.
- Identify and share efforts vital to PID development that are part of the EOSC landscape.
- Identify challenges and opportunities for future collaboration on PIDs.
- Enhanced integration of current project developments on PIDs.
- Identified shared challenges and collaboration opportunities between projects and Task Forces on developments surrounding PIDs, for both the present day as well as the future.
- Tuesday afternoon
The PID landscape - Wednesday morning
Addressing (future) challenges - Wednesday afternoon
EOSC PID Policy Compliance - Thursday morning
The projects FAIRCORE4EOSC, FAIR-IMPACT and RAISE and the EOSC-A Task Force Co-Chairs of PID Policy and Implementation guide you through the PID landscape in EOSC.
The session integrates the supply and demand side of PID services by reviewing characteristics, features and attributes of PID services and providing workflows, use cases and services where end users require PIDs. The session will assess the different PID systems through an interactive demonstrator session (RAID, RAI ID, MA DMPs, SWH_ID and B2INST) that are included in the EOSC environment and cover several PID integrating services (PID Graph & PID Meta Resolver). The session also touches on two emerging initiatives, “FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs)” and “decentralized PID systems”.
- Sharing efforts on PID development by projects and EOSC-A Task Forces.
- Providing a systematic overview of the landscape.
- View of the state of the art currently and understanding of current and future developments.
- The session enables participants to identify the differences and similarities between PID services in the EOSC Landscape, their dependencies and usage.
The PID landscape
Time: 14:00 – 18:00
Session chair: Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis
Session rapporteur: Miguel Rey Mazón
Timeslot | Activity | Format | Moderator / Facilitator | Content |
14:00 – 14:10 | Introduction / Setting Context | Opening talk | Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis RAISE | Participants will be welcomed to the PID track of the Winter School |
14:10 – 14:40 | Demand for PID Services: use case studies and its ‘users’ Perspective users | Presentation | Wim Hugo FAIR-IMPACT/ FAIRCORE4EOSC Natascha van Lieshout FAIR-IMPACT/ FAIRCORE4EOSC | This session includes a presentation on the demand side of PID services, focussing on workflows, different use cases and services where end users require PIDs, and their expectations of the service. |
14:40 – 15:10 | Supply of PID services: giving a landscape analysis on available services & new services Perspective EOSC; inventory of TF | Presentation | Tommi Suominen FAIRCORE4EOSC Tibor Kalman PID TF PID POLICY Wim Hugo FAIR-IMPACT/ FAIRCORE4EOSC | This session introduces the supply side of PID services introducing the different characteristics, features, and attributes of the PID services in EOSC the landscape. |
15:10-15:30 | Round table discussion: connecting Supply to Demand | Round table | Gabi Mejias FAIRCORE4EOSC | The round table invites participants to discuss the presentations on supply and demand, with an angle of defining the gaps and challenges between the two. |
15:30 – 16:00 | Break | |||
16:00 -16:40 | The different types (new) PID systems 1. RAID – FAIRCORE4EOSC 2. RAI ID – RAISE 3. OSTrails and MA DMPs 4. SWH_ID | Short presentations | Natascha van Lieshout FAIR-IMPACT/ FAIRCORE4EOSC Gorka Epelde RAISE Morane Gruenpeter FAIRCORE4EOSC | The ever changing landscape of EOSC has been introduced to several new PID systems. These systems are demonstrated to the participants, providing them an insight into the newly developed systems. |
16:40-17:00 | panel discussion; challenges of new PID systems | Panel discussion | Moderator: Tommi Suominen Participants: Natascha van Lieshout FAIRCORE4EOSC Gorka Epelde RAISE Morane Gruenpeter FAIRCORE4EOSC | Following the demonstrations on the new PID systems, the panel interactive panel discussion dives deeper in the experienced technical developments and the challenges faced in facilitating the systems users. The participants will develop a common understanding what is expected to build a new service, addressing several strategical topics on sustainability, participation, governance, openness of code and data. |
17:00 – 17:30 | PID integrating services 1. PID Graph (API) 2. PID metaresolver | Presentations | Mike Bennett FAIRCORE4EOSC Themis Zamani TF PID POLICY | Following the discussion on new PID services, this session introduces two PID integrating services and the challenges they address. |
17:30-18:00 | Discussion gaps state of the art: priority short list of existing gaps | Discussion | Moderator: Evdokimos Konstantinidis | Closing the day, all previous lessons will be captured in a lively discussion on the gaps in the state of the art. The session will result in a priority short list of existing gaps, that will need be addressed in the (near) future. |