Report on outcomes of EOSC – DG SANTE Round Table

On 08 October 2024,  EOSC-A and the EC’s Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) held a successful in-person roundtable in Brussels to explore collaboration opportunities between the European Health Data Space (EHDS) and EOSC.

The objective of the event was to understand the complementarities, overlaps and gaps of EHDS and EOSC in the secondary use of health data. Twenty-seven people attended the meeting, representing six stakeholder groups, including the EOSC-A membership and Board of Directors.

EHDS and EOSC share a common goal in leveraging and maximising the value of research outputs. While both initiatives utilise distinct data sources, they offer complementary strengths. EHDS focuses on Real-World Health Data (RWD) from clinical data holders and derived data warehouses, whereas EOSC primarily leverages anonymised datasets from research and innovation activities. Given EOSC’s emphasis on research outputs, there exists significant potential for collaborative synergies between the two initiatives. Efforts will now focus on implementing the decisions made during the roundtable.

The full report on the meeting’s outcomes, including discussion points, conclusions and potential actions, is available here for reading and download.

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