EOSC-A signs Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information

The EOSC Association has joined more than 40 organisations worldwide as a signatory of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information, which was launched today.

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The basic premise of the Declaration asserts that “the research information landscape requires fundamental change”.

The signatories of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information therefore commit to taking a lead in transforming the way research information is used and produced: “Openness of information about the conduct and communication of research must be the new norm”.

The signatories of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information make the following commitments:

  1. We will make openness the default for the research information we use and produce;
  2. We will work with services and systems that support and enable open research information;
  3. We will support the sustainability of infrastructures for open research information;
  4. We will support collective action to accelerate the transition to openness of research information.

More information and the full text of the Declaration can be found at barcelona-declaration.org.

About the Barcelona Declaration

The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information was prepared by a group of over 25 research information experts, representing organizations that carry out, fund, and evaluate research, as well as organisations that provide research information infrastructures. The group met in Barcelona in November 2023 in a workshop hosted by SIRIS Foundation. The preparation of the Declaration was coordinated by Bianca Kramer (Sesame Open Science), Cameron Neylon (Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative, Curtin University), and Ludo Waltman (Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University).

List of signatories of the Barcelona Declaration as of 15 April 2024

Organizations that would like to know more about the Declaration or that wish to sign the Declaration are welcome to reach out to contact@barcelona-declaration.org

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