Institute of Physics Belgrade
Institute of Physics Belgrade
The Institute of Physics Belgrade (IPB), a National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, is a first-class research institution dedicated to the study of physics and related disciplines. The research conducted at the IPB into the fundamental mechanisms of nature is of immense value to the scientific, educational, cultural, and overall socio-economic development of Serbia. Founded in 1961, the Institute of Physics Belgrade was a product of a surge in physics research in post-WW2 Yugoslavia. By developing a network of allies and collaborators, the IPB has launched, strengthened, and supported numerous laudable initiatives in Serbia and the wider region. The Institute hosts four national centres of excellence and was a principal partner in a large number of national fundamental research projects, as well as projects of technological development. IPB is recognized today in Serbia as a leading national research institution, in the region as a centre of excellence, and in Europe and globally as a trustworthy partner and a relevant research centre.