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University of Leeds

On Tuesday 3 September 2024, UK DARIAH Day will bring together researchers and practitioners with an interest in Digital Humanities to consider opportunities and challenges around research infrastructures in the UK, showcase current tools and projects, and build national and regional networks. It will also explore how closer alignment with the European Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) can strengthen ongoing UK efforts. The opening provocation will be given by Sally Chambers, Head of Research Infrastructures Services at The British Library and a director of DARIAH. Participation from projects, networks and individuals is welcomed, in particular we would encourage contributions to our Project Showcase and Collaboration Catalyst (see calls, below).

The event, which is organised by the UK cooperating partners of DARIAH (the Universities of Brighton, Edinburgh, Exeter and Leeds, Kings College London and the School of Advanced Study, University of London), will be held at the University of Leeds. This is a free event (registration required).

UK DARIAH Day immediately precedes the Digital Humanities Congress 2024 at the University of Sheffield (4-5 September).

How to register: 

To attend UK DARIAH Day, please complete the registration form. Registration closes on Monday 19 August 2024 at 5pm.