In its role as the Mandated Organisation for Germany in the EOSC Association, the NFDI Association is hosting an EOSC National Tripartite Event on November 24, 2022 from 10:00-13:00.
The event will be held virtual and in English. The program promises interesting presentations from science and politics, an introduction of the NFDI-Sections, as well as an exciting panel discussion with the topic “NFDI & EOSC – Why do we need both?”.
Among others, there will be keynotes by Mario Brandenburg, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and by Karel Luyben, President of the EOSC Association.
The event will be moderated by science journalist Jan-Martin Wiarda.
Further information will follow. We look forward to seeing you at the EOSC national Tripartite Event of Germany!