
3rd EOSC-Life General Meeting

During the 3rd AGM (2 days) the EOSC-Life project will present the results and achievements from all the work packages...

Hack Science 2022

Hack the Science 2022 will be organised at the University of Milano-Bicocca, with the possibility to participate also from remotely...

Open Science Conference

The Open Science Conference 2022 is the 9th international conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science. The annual conference...

Towards Open Science

Open science is one of the key topics for the future of R&I and much more than open access to publications and...

OstData Final Workshop

New Horizons for Research on and in Central and Eastern Europe: The Role of Research Data Infrastructures The workshop has...

ENVRI Week 2022

What is ENVRI week? ENVRI week is a week dedicated to Environmental Research Infrastructures. During the runtime of the ENVRI-FAIR...