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3rd Open Science Symposium in Greece

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Hellenic Open Science Initiative (HOSI)

The National Initiative for Open Science (EPAE) announces the organization of the Third Open Science Symposium in Greece. The event will be held on December 10 and 11, 2024, 10:00-18:00, at the National Center for Natural Sciences Research (EKEFE) “Demokritos”.

To whom it is addressed:

The event is addressed to the Greek research and academic community, managers of research programs and representatives of important national organisations, infrastructures, initiatives & projects, businesses, as well as government agencies operating in the field of research and education.

Purpose of the event :

  • Update on new Open Science developments in Europe, with an emphasis on the country’s leading role in the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
  • Update on the operation of the EPAE consortium and on the coordinated actions that contribute to the implementation of the goals of Open Science in Greece
  • Consultation with the political leadership in order to set priorities that respond to European invitations and commitments, with the main issues being the implementation of the New European Research Area and the EOSC in the country
  • Strengthening of skills of new researchers and managers of research programs through educational actions in the fields of open access, FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data, data management plans, research evaluation, etc.

Program structure

On the first day, on 10/12, the aim is to present: the Open Science ecosystem in Greece as it has been formed, current relevant projects and actions at the domestic and European level, the achievements and the goals for the following day. At the same time, the ways in which both the State and businesses can contribute to the new era of open research data will be discussed, strengthening research with valuable benefits for all.

On the second day, on 11/12, interested parties will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on sessions of an educational nature, to actively engage and gain experience in tools and methods that support Open Science. Stakeholders will discover how they can implement good practices for open  access to publications, open and FAIR data, open software, through educational resources and collaboration platforms.

Finally, it will be possible to network with executives of the country’s scientific sector to exchange opinions, knowledge and best practices, strengthening research and the utilisation of open data tools and technology in Greece and Europe.

The event requires physical presence and free registration here by December 06, 2024 is required.

See the draft program of the days here.