Research Software

Implementing an interoperable community driven vision for research software in EOSC

This session focuses on collaboratively defining an interoperable, community-driven vision for research software within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Participants will map the existing landscape of efforts, initiatives, and infrastructure for research software, classify these into broad categories, with the main goal of identifying possible synergies and opportunities.

  • Propose concrete, practical actions for OAEG7.
  • Explore potential work-stream topics moving ahead, and put the first steps towards identifying what outputs could be of most value across the board.



Timeslot Title Format Moderator Rapporteur Content Project
09:30OA7: Research Software – plenaryMorane GruenpeterFotis PsomopoulosOA7: Research Software – plenary
09:40Brainstorming plenary of classification of landscape:
What are the categories of efforts done for research software?

Nosek Pyramid
Morane GruenpeterFotis PsomopoulosBrainstorming plenary of classification of landscape:
What are the categories of efforts done for research software?

Nosek Pyramid
10:05Full group landscape mapping activity:
What do we have? (projects, initiatives, infrastructures, WGs, forums, funders, collaborations, etc.)

Classify what exists by categories brainstorm
Morane GruenpeterFotis PsomopoulosFull group landscape mapping activity:
What do we have? (projects, initiatives, infrastructures, WGs, forums, funders, collaborations, etc.)

Classify what exists by categories brainstorm
10:20Parallel small groups with a set of questions:
Q1: What is currently missing in EOSC re software

Q2: What is a concrete & practical activity that this OA can pursue for this.
Morane GruenpeterFotis PsomopoulosParallel small groups with a set of questions:
Q1: What is currently missing in EOSC re software

Q2: What is a concrete & practical activity that this OA can pursue for this.
11:00- 11:15Coffee breakCoffee break
11:15Report back and roadmap creationMorane GruenpeterFotis PsomopoulosReport back and roadmap creation
12:00End of sessionEnd of session
12:00-13:00Reporting Plenary

Sub-committee members

  • OAEG4: Fotis Psomopoulos, Morane Gruenpeter