Community consultation on MAR 2026-2027 open 03-22 September 2024

The EOSC Association Board of Directors has drafted a Multi-Annual Roadmap (MAR) for 2026-2027, outlining priority activities for implementing EOSC at the European, national, and institutional level. A three-week consultation to gather community feedback on the draft MAR opened on 3 September 2024 and will run through 22 September 2024 (23:59 CEST).

The EOSC Association periodically updates the MAR to define a set of actions and outcomes in line with the latest technical and policy framework developments. The MAR is a part of the EOSC Partnership’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), a document co-owned by the EOSC Association and the European Commission that defines the general framework for future research, development, and innovation activities in relation to EOSC.