The last month has brought a riot of activity dedicated to the implementation of EOSC in advance of the summer break, and has brought the autumn schedule into focus. The first order of business is the opening of the Additional Activities Plan monitoring surveys, including validation for 2022 and forward reporting for the 2024 AAP. In May and June, the EOSC Partnership took large strides forward with national events in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy and France, a seven-nation EOSC Focus roundtable in Poland, and a two-day coordination meeting between the Horizon Europe EOSC-related projects, the European Commission and the EOSC Association. Meanwhile, the conclusion of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union has thrust EOSC into the spotlight both in Brussels and abroad. Finally, don’t miss the first interview in our series highlighting EOSC-A Mandated Organisations, featuring Chris De Loof of Belnet. Mark your calendars for the 7th General Assembly of EOSC-A, to be held online on 21 November, and see the mid-September EOSC Symposium in Madrid.
EOSC Association newsletter #25