
European, National, Institutional
E-Varamu Estonia

The Estonian E-Varamu portal is an e-repository and an integrated e-environment created for the long-term preservation and accessibility of digitised resources of Estonian memory institutions, such as libraries, archives and museums. The portal aims to raise the digitisation capability of these institutions to ensure the preservation of their collections. The e-repository also facilitates the linkage between national heritage collections and the pan-European library, Europeana. 

Problem addressed

The E-Varamu portal, part of Estonia’s national Research Infrastructure Roadmap, aims to preserve at-risk national heritage objects as future reference materials. Current challenges include limited digitisation capabilities, varying standards, and the absence of an integrated data environment or user-friendly interface, all of which impact accessibility and long-term preservation for researchers and the public.

Added value

Providing a unified internet gateway to diverse Estonian resources, including literature, national publications, and cultural heritage.

Enhancing user accessibility and ensuring long-term preservation of collections from libraries, archives, and museums through digitisation.

Improving semantic interoperability and cross-referencing, while ensuring public access to high-quality information from both scientific and user-generated sources.

National Library of Estonia
Estonian State Archives

SRIA General Objective

Research areas

Type of result

More information
