This position paper provides an insightful look into the strategic approach of the European Open Science Cloud’s (EOSC) Association Task Forces on Research Careers and Curricula towards promoting Open Science in Europe. It highlights EOSC’s reliance on research intermediaries to drive cultural change towards FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability) and Open Science practices. Furthermore, this paper details the tailored recommendations these task forces have developed over two years to effectively engage in Open Science processes. It showcases their dedicated two-year effort in designing strategies that empower research intermediaries to adopt, implement, and promote Open Science, thereby fostering the vision of digital transformation in European research.
The Research Careers and Curricula advisory group experience from the years 2021-2023 shows that a one-size-fits-all approach in engaging EOSC intermediaries is not feasible. A major challenge is that each nation has different needs, obstacles, and opportunities. That is why the advisory group starts with the experiences and recommends general and tailored actions, emphasising that each intermediary best knows what works for them. The advisory group includes the Data Stewardship, Curricula, and Career Paths Task Force, Research Careers, Recognition, and Credit Task Force, Upskilling Countries to Engage in EOSC Task Force, and Researcher Engagement & Adoption Task Force.
Main highlights
The position paper describes engagement strategies regarding the following EOSC intermediaries:
- Research Infrastructures and Science Clusters
- Libraries and Repositories
- Universities and University Associations
- Research Institutes
- EOSC Partnership
Key recommendations
Next to tailored actions, the position paper recommends the following general actions for all the mentioned EOSC intermediaries:
- Co-organise stakeholder events – for example, tripartite events, EOSC coffee, retreats or festivals,
- Provide opportunities for learning and sharing – including summer schools, hackathons, retreats, knowledge exchange workshops, gamification, train the trainers’ programmes,
- Build a network of ambassadors/champions – through an ambassadors’ programme or train the trainers’ initiative,
- Provide financial support – such as adoption grants or prizes,
- Communicate actively and effectively – community blog posts, official communications materials for reuse, real-life case studies, tailored communications for your country/community,
- Join EOSC communities – such as task forces or project expert groups – to learn about other countries’ strategies.
Co-chair contact
Support officer contact
Type of result